Jonathan Arthur's Vital Statistics:

Date of Birth: November 18th, 2004
Time of Birth: 9:22 AM EST
Place: Jacksonville Naval Hospital
Weight: 9 Lbs 2.1 Oz 
Length: 20.5"
Jonathan's Website

Welcome to the world!

I'm finally here! I have to tell you though this new place is a little colder than what I had been use to and it's so bright I think I might need some baby shades. I'm going to use this site to share the experience I'm having with everyone.  Don't worry, Daddy said there will be lots of pictures!


Birth Details

I was overdue and since mommy had to have surgory to get Jacqui out they couldn't induce me. I'm glad I got to stay warm in there a few extra days but the doctors said it's time to come out. Dr. Moss delivered me with Daddy there for support. After I was born Daddy took me up to the nursery to get me cleaned up and weighed and all kinds of other stuff. Grandpa Eddie and Grandma Neecie came up to see me first and then later on I got to meet Aunt Bobby and my sister Jacqui! Wow! That was a lot of excitement for one day.

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